This is the 114 page Law suit, put before some mickey mouse Court in New York, because it is cheap to put it up there!! To take UN leaders and Ambassadors to Court is just a joke, as they all have Diplomatic Immunity. So this is all kite flying, to get their story out into the public domain with as much hoo ha as they can. The $400 odd Dollars or whatever the cost is, has been well spent!!
Ben Fulford stalks about in Asia and he has, very cleverly, got David Wilcock involved and in essence, set him up, as I see it. In international intrigue, he is a lightweight,whereas Ben sure ain't!!. However, David likes to milk the moment and fell into Ben's plot. The boy David is into astral stuff and the esoteric. He cannot speak without using 20 syllable words, which make him look and sound good. He can work the internet much better than Ben and so Ben has been very sneaky in roping him in. This is not to say that the whole thing is not true.
I have had a hunt round the internet and I have found out that when Japan and China(the Komuntang Govt) were at War before WW2 the Japanese were after the Gold in China and got a lot of it. China sent a lot to Taiwan, out of their way. Old China had accumulated lots and lots of Gold, in payment, from the first century, onward, for spices, ceramics and loads of stuff that the Romans and other European races did not have.
When the Federal Reserve bankrupted America, within a couple of years of the Fed being set up,China(the Dragons) loaned Gold to America, in return for various financial instruments over a 60 year timeline. Needless to say, when all of these notes fell due for repayment, America screwed them. A Court case was brought, in secret, which America lost in mid 1990's. Gold was put together, by America, but never paid over, as they dragged their feet. Eventually push came to shove and a load of Gold was stored in Building 7 in New York , to be delivered to China on 12th September 2001 the day after 9/11. The Americans claimed it had melted!!!!! Ho ho ho ! They later tried to give the Chinese(Dragons) Gold bars, but the Nationalist Gov't tested them and they were found to be tungsten with a Gold plating. The Chinese all of them) were defintootly not chuffed!
When I say Chinese, I mean the Dragon Family, as opposed to the Nationalist Government. The Dragon Family were rulers long before the Komuntang and the later Nationalist mob of Mao et al.
During WW2, when America was battling, in the Pacific, the Japanese sent loads of the Gold, that they had stolen from China to the Philippines.Some 175 mega storage areas were tunnelled out and the workers were sealed in with the Gold, Jewels and other stuff. The Americans had a dig about after WW2 as did Ferdie Marcos, much later on. Much of it is still there!!!
An attempt was made to cash some of these Bonds and other instruments. Two Japanese guys were caught on a train entering Switzerland with some $135 trillion face value of paper. The total debt owed with interest over 60 years comes out at 1,000's of trillions of Dollars. These Bonds were taken from the Japanese and bounced about Europe with various comedians trying to cash them for any amount possible.
It is said that they are now in Paraguay on the Shrub Ranch !!!!!
This will run and run for years. The Dragons like the rule of Law and would rather go through Courts than start killing people to get their money. Not for me, but it is up to them. They still have gazzillions of tons of Gold so there is no shortage whatever. Just watch the Gold price plummet!!!
So that's about it as I see it. Now you can read through the 114 pages to checkout my synopsis.