Monday, December 19, 2011

USA...Banana Republic and they too, have their ideals

When the two big underground bases where blown up, on 23rd August, I began to post about a coup d'etat in USA. Another ten smaller bases have,apparently, been either blown up or the entrances to them blocked. The seismic data appeared on and then disappeared. Well it is a Government website.
Rumours of aliens having done it abounded, but slowly it appeared, that yet another false flag job, to set off a mini nuke in both Washington and New York was the plan, by one faction and blame the Ghost of Osama or whoever. Another faction decided to stop it all. So camps, on both sides of the divide, were clearly coming to the fore and this has continued.
The Obama camp is Socialist, by nature and in outlook.The prevailing view, in America, has been survival of the fit and sod the rest!! This is no longer working as the World economy is producing more and more of the needy.A mixed system, as in the Uk is the general goal, these days. The fit have just gone too far and own and control everything through banks and multinational companies. There is no more competition as everything is 'arranged.'
In order, to change the system in Russia, when the Czars were in control, more and more people's lives went down the drain and they had a bloody Revolution in 1917 to change from a ruling elite to a people power system. This instant polarised change doesn't work either. It must be a gradual moving to the centre from both wings. America is, currently, trying to do the same thing with a bit less blood!!!  They are trying to cripple the country, financially, resulting in a rise, Phoenix like, from the ashes, with a new system, on socialist principles as opposed to a winner takes all one.
The diehards see that the game is afoot and stupidly, are quite willing to conduct another civil war, rather than give in. They have tried to boost the economy with, currently, 11 wars in other countries and they want more, now, with Syria and Iran as the military-industrial complex is making money. They are making money from the shares in the same area. However all of the other economic areas are in the tank!!!! There is a rule in economics which says " guns or butter." You cannot do both. Russia tried it, in order, to catch up with the brilliant con regarding Star Wars. It took a duff actor to sell them the dummy and he did it well. The Oscar he never got!! You cannot eat bullets!!!
The New World Order has failed and cannot now take place. Sure in 1776 when things were completely different it may have been a good idea!  But certainly not now. They still cling on to their ideals and dreams. They gotta wake up and smell the coffee!!!  Ideas of 300 years ago are just not relevant any more. But the Clingons just keep on trying in a tunnel vision way.
The Socialists have realised that no amount of  negotiation is going to work and they, too, have their ideals. USA now have Laws,in place, to arrest and detain, indefinitely, anybody and keep them in concentration camps for processing. The camps have been set up. Railway carriages, complete with shackles, have been ordered and delivered. Even huge quantities of plastic burial pods, each holding six bodies are stacked up round the country. The pieces, as in a chess game, are in position.Adverts for catering staff, guards and probably dog handlers are now going out for a new job start, in these camps, in the Spring. The battle lines are clearly drawn. Both sides are entrenched and a blink will do it!!
The old order don't believe it will happen but the socialists are now in the corner, up against the wall and all of those other cliches. if they back down, now they are finished, forever. There will never be another chance. So they just have to go for it.
This next Spring and Summer America will erupt in violence and carnage. It is very sad, but there is no room left anymore for discussion. The lines have been drawn and the sides picked and all it needs now is some group to shout, 'game on' and off they will go killing each other, while others escape to other countries and sit back and await the result of the biggest internal War of the century.Every banana republic has gone the same way. The mixers disappear when the troubles start. They have their holiday and when the dust settles return to tell the sheeple left, "look what happened, things were better under our rule, take us back." The sheeple say meeh meeh and back they go. It happen in Haiti two or three times and all over South America and it will in America too. The Shrubs have their ranch in Paraguay and they will abandon their 'friends' in the hope of returning.
It is all so pathetic. No wonder Aliens want nothing to do with us.They are now running tourist package trips to see the Zoo,!!!!

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