Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tesco to launch a supermarket price war... and this time it's real

Tesco to launch a supermarket price war... and this time it's real | Mail Online

Since 'escaping' from hospital, some 2.5 years ago, I have been housebound due to an inability to get around, properly, on my legs. Annoying but there it is. Unless I pay for the surgery that I need, there is little chance of me getting it on the National Health Service as i am now at a non productive age and just scrap!!!. If I sieze up, completely, things may be different. They like to keep people moving, as it is cheaper than taking them into care homes or 'nice prisons'. I bounce about the flat, doped up with pain killers, to which, I am now clinically addicted.
 I began getting home deliveries from Tesco, twice a month.It is a fantastic service and well worth the average £5 delivery charge. I can order, in the middle of the night or whenever and pick a two delivery window on a day which suits me. I tend to eat and drink the same sort of stuff, most of the time, so I have watched as my average order has increased in price from about £40 / £45 per time to a price now of £50 / £55 per time now. About a 12.5% increase per year!!!  I am extremely careful and look for bulk discounts and 2 for the price of 1 offers. I have two freezers stocked up and it is just a case of replenishing stock as I use it. Good stock control, bought at good prices.
So any price War will be wonderful for me !!! Long may the War continue.

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