Friday, September 30, 2011

Has Civil War Already Erupted In The USA? | Before It's News

Has Civil War Already Erupted In The USA? | Before It's News

They all catch up....eventually! I have been saying that there is a Coup d'Etat going on inside America for the past 7 to 10 days See my posts, further down, if you disbelieve me.
A group has got increasingly fed up with the stupid American Government and the men and women, in grey suits, who pull the strings. Bumpy Rumba was told to go to the Denver bunker, which does not exist and hide there. A false flag job was on the cards, again.
I thought that we were, finally, going to get the holographic space ships and the God of your Country job. Just what is that secret X 39 plane thing orbiting the Earth for, if not for that very reason?? Again, in my posts, I thought that it was possibly releasing poison, which was killing all of those animals, with a view to a later release of a DNA targeting one, which could be made to kill people with black hair, for example. These do actually exist. This was my main trust, with the holograms coming to mind as an afterthought after seeing the videos of the holographic plane hitting the Twin Tower building which I posted, also.. In the light of no information, whatsoever, about it, then my guesswork was as good as anyone else's. I could still be right. But I digress.
Now whether it is Ben Fulford's division, the White Dragon or a disaffected military group I don't know I seem to have got the sides right, in that I said that the spooks and Xe were the bad guys. Mini-Nukes were apparently, captured in the first two tunnels, after a fire fight and two mini nuke explosions to destroy the sites. Stories of 20 to 30,000 people being killed seem a bit far fetched. Where are the relatives who should be shouting and bawling, a lot!!!!????. The later ones were done to destroy the bolt holes, should there be a back up plan. no fireworks being the name of the game. Enough was enough. All of these bangs registered on official Government quake sites as 2.6 and in the correct locations. They could be false charts, but other sites, round the World, would have proven or disproven the bangs.
So there is definitely one side against another.l Who they are is the question? I raised the question about Anonymous earlier, today. I posed the view that they were the initial testers of public opinion psy ops group prior to stronger tactics being used. This would make them part of the military as opposed to the White Dragon.Perhaps the military group did not want foreigners to sort out the mess and their hand was forced by the White Dragon intervention.
One could go round in circles. If it was easy then it would have been obvious and containable. I am sure that there is much more to come..........................

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