Friday, September 30, 2011

There’s No Way In Hell We’re Making It To Nov 2012 |

There’s No Way In Hell We’re Making It To Nov 2012 | Before It's News

Another trader comes out and tells the truth. They don't cared which way the markets go as long as they call it right and make money on them going up or down. neither way matters to them, at all. The guy on the BBC, who started it all is being condemned as a fake, a fraud, a hoaxer. Tends to back up what he sad, in my book.
Georgre Soros made gazzillions backing against the UK pound. Over three days, he kept attacking, by jumping in and out, as the Pound wavered. Then, on the infamous Black Wednesday, it was the big, all in, bet the ranch, move before London opened up for trading.
Sir Geoffrey Howe the Conservative chancellor, in the Thatcher Government, had said the previous week that the Pound was safe and would not be devalued. On black Wednesday it was devalued!!!! Soros had defeated the UK and made gazzillions backing against the Pound. He was mega rich already but he just has to show how good he is. A complete megalomaniac, with no qualms whatever.
So these traders are right. Making money is the game, no matter how it is done, who or what gets destroyed, in the process. The game is everything, as they cannot possibly spend all that they have. It is mega thrill seeking on a dangerous stage where one wrong move can cause chaos. But of course, they can insure against their losses. So when it gets to that level, it is only the game which is left.

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