Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hospital bosses forced into embarrassing U-turn after ban on oven gloves saw patients being served only cold food - The Daily Record

Hospital bosses forced into embarrassing U-turn after ban on oven gloves saw patients being served only cold food - The Daily Record

Some clown said that oven mitts may be passing infections in hospitals and banned the use of them! Patients were then served with cold food, only. I certainly agree that hospitals are a germ paradise as they are so big.
Unfortunately I have been in hospitals a lot. The last time I was in, some 2.5 years ago this was my experience.
In the past I had been able to order in food, more to my liking from Chinese, Indian or fish and chip shops. Now these establishments are,in general, spotless. This was banned as I may get food poisoning! I refused to eat anything other than mashed potatoes as the rest of their food was hauled about on steam heated trolleys and was fit for pigs by the time it was served up. Breakfast was the best meal of the day as they could do nothing to it!! So much for building up your strength. I asked to use the hospital radio service, at night, using earphones. This was banned as the earphones may pass on infections.I could just about understand this one, only just!!
A fire alarm went off on two occasions. One of the staff said,' oh dear, somebody has left their toast on under the grill!!' The Fire Brigade must turn out and check the hospital. They then charge £2,000 to the Hospital Trust for a false alarm!
The staff were great people. However, they walk into wards with the trainers on that they come to work in. Not good. The screen round my bed had blood smears on it and was never changed. A classic job's worth experience happened when my reading light blew. You would think that changing it with one above an empty bed and reporting it would be okay. Oh no, not a chance. A nurse did so for me but it was not her job but one for maintainance. She did not deprive them of a job. They would have to come and replace the one above the vacant bed in time. What difference did it make, which one they changed??? This was the proper way........
a report had to be made to repairs by a Ward Sister. Men were dispatched to find out the problem. They returned to report the problem an ask for spare parts. A request would be made to stores for a light bulb. This would be delivered from a central store to the inside repairers who would then wander up and change the bulb!!!!! All of this could take a week, longer if a weekend was involved!!! The repairers wander round the hospital wearing boiler suits which certainly could be germ carriers. They wear safety shoes which they come to work in!!!!! Water jug changers wear outdoor clothing as do caterers under their coveralls. They all wear outdoor shoes. So why can I not get a fish supper delivered?????

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