Thursday, September 22, 2011

Are YOUR Pills Dangerous? - Millions Are Prescribed Drugs They Don't Need

Are YOUR Pills Dangerous? - Millions Are Prescribed Drugs They Don't Need

Some drugs you are given have very dangerous side effects. Always read the leaflets in the boxes or investigate everything you are given. It may just save your life.
About 20 years ago, I was prescribed NSAIDS. I was given various ones, ibuprofen was one example. i live alone. One day I began to feel unwell and could not figure it out. I was light headed and took to bed. lying down seemed to ease it but I still felt strange. So i got up, jumped in the car and drove the 1.5 miles to my Mothers for some pampering. I went to my old room and took to bed. Some time later I got up for a nature call. I staggered through the living room and could not walk erect. I just could not get my head up above waist height.
I collapsed, spark out on the carpet. Fortunately Mum had done some voluntary nursing in her time and realise that it was serious. An ambulance arrived and I woke up in hospital.
They had to pump plasma and four pints of whole blood into me!!!! It transpired that I had two ulcers, unknown to me, both of which had burst due to irritation of the NSAID cocktail that I had been given. on my release, my doctor appeared and I chastised her over the point that I had not been told about this possibility of stomach irritation. She said, 'did you not read the leaflet?' 'Who does,' I replied,' we expect you to give us the right stuff.' I have read every leaflet since then and investigated every tablet that I have been given since.
Now I could have bleed to death in my flat. I could have blacked out while driving,crashed,killing others as well as myself. Had I not needed to go to the toilet, I could have bleed to death in mum's place. Three chances from which I was spared. Read the leaflets, please. Why? Who knows?
Needless to say I no longer take NSAIDS. I take a homeopathic pill, which actually does a better anti inflammatory job, colchicine. Look it up and ask for it! Of course, Big Pharma can't make any money from it, as it is plant extract!!!

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