Monday, June 27, 2011

LEAKED: UK copyright lobby holds closed-door meetings with gov't to discuss national Web-censorship regime

Activist Post: LEAKED: UK copyright lobby holds closed-door meetings with gov't to discuss national Web-censorship regime

These stupid ideas are all vote catching, pie in the sky, rubbish! The Chinese have tried for years, to stop their people viewing certain websites and they, unlike the British Government, known a wee bit about the Internet!
By using proxy servers any block can be gone round. End of story. www, splits your signal to them into six parts. Each part goes out, from them, round a number of random computers acting as conduits, and returns to tor. From there it goes to the website requested. That website records a request from tor and sends it back to tor. It is then split up, sent and joined up again and onward to you. Tor is the best known, but there are many more. It was set up with Chinese dissidents in mind and has never been closed down !
I am proud to allow my big computers to serve in the random chains.

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