Sunday, June 19, 2011

Inelia Benz is a blatant FRAUD

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a 100% accurate statement. People need to be questioning her, especially now. Her message and how she responds when questioned do not align at all. It is amazing that people don't see that, but it could be that not many people dare question her. I did and she pushed back pretty good. Where is the high vibration and "joy, light, love" in that? How is that bringing the new paradigm into the world? Nope, no critical thinking allowed. Where else is that the case these days? Everywhere. Feels like the same energy as all the dark side she talks about. Doesn't she say she is not a soul and so does that mean she does not come from Source? Then, where is her information coming from? Well, not Source.

(1) Walmart Employees EXPOSED For Falsely Accusing Shoppers Of Theft - YouTube

(1) Walmart Employees EXPOSED For Falsely Accusing Shoppers Of Theft - YouTube