Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hackers attempting to crack 600,000 Facebook accounts every day | Mail Online

Hackers attempting to crack 600,000 Facebook accounts every day | Mail Online

Many people seem to think that they are talking one to one or one to their group of friends. When in fact their posts are seen by everybody. When they set up their blurb they give away far to much information about themselves. I have seen, many times, folk posting their mobile and landline phone numbers and my other favourite is the countdown to going on holiday which gives prior notice of an empty house !!!
The average person gives their name, date of birth, school and job details. In their posts they talk about their local area. So from that information a crook can get a birth certificate and a passport. The school can be located in the area that they post about and google maps give any address that will do. The Royal Mail will take a redirection of mail request on the internet so you have an address and mail going to a Post Office box. This allows Credit Cards to be had too.
All this information is there on Facebook and you could sit back and let the good times roll, if you so wished. I have an FB page, as Paddy Fields, with no true information on it, whatever. I have been verbally abused, threatened with violence, accused of every sex crime in the book and some which are not and why? Because I refuse to say who I really am!! Yet I have about 2,000 people who are 'friends' with a complete fiction!!!!

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