Tuesday, February 17, 2009

my Life

17th February.

Well more rain in Scotland,today! Talking about water, I note that two submariners are in very hot water! I always thought that the Atlantic was a bit on the chilly side. However, two nuclear submarines were in the same little area of the Atlantic Ocean and at the same depth! It appears that they were going in opposite directions when they bumped into each other.
Surely, an e.mail would have been better!!
In America, there has ben yet another super fraud. In the region of $8bn has gone astray. Where does all this money go?  More importantly, who is supposd to check these people? Are they out to lunch?
Countries of the World are up to their eyeballs in debt. I have often wondered what would happen if a country just said, "Sod this, I ain't paying!"  Would a team with saws come round and hack off a bit of the country and float it in the Atlantic Ocean? 
In any case, it is only the interest on the debt that is being paid and the principal of the loan is still there forever. That principal was made out of thin air anyway. Produced from the fractional banking scam. Push the button make more money!!
I have been operating a similar legal method to give me the comfort and "toys" which I have around me. This is how it works.
I got four home shopping catologues and bought some items from each. I paid each one by Credit Card and paid the Credit Card bill each time it fell due. So four £20 payments paid by Credit Card required me to pay £10. Instead of me taking £80 out of my monthly income I paid £8.
As the catologue amounts owed reduced, of course, my credit card debt increased. But the "saving" of £72 from not outlaying it to pay the catologues was available. I put some of this into the credit card debt thereby reducing it. Round and round and round!
I had the goods that I wanted for very little actual outlay and the big joke was that all of it was from benefit income provided by the State.
As I "paid" the catologues off my buying power increased and I had a higher spending limit. As I paid my credit card, regularly, my limit rose there too!  Not only was it all derived from benefit,all of the credit loans were unsecured.  Should I default and not pay anyone then I get to keep the stuff and they eat the bill.
Kinda like the countries getting a loan to buy guns and paying the interest for a while and then saying "we got great guns, come and get your money!"
Some say MICRO some say MACRO but it is all economics to me!


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(1) Walmart Employees EXPOSED For Falsely Accusing Shoppers Of Theft - YouTube

(1) Walmart Employees EXPOSED For Falsely Accusing Shoppers Of Theft - YouTube