Monday, February 09, 2009

My life

I had to get rid of the packing which came with the TV as I was expecting a grocery delivery. I was sore from hobbling to and from the car and hobbling out and in with the packing did not help to much.
My groceries arrived right on time and had to be packed away in the freezer and cupboards. It really is a fabulous system. You pick your items on the computer and book a delivery slot which suits you. You can pay by either Debit or Credit Card as you please.
I am sore and flop onto the bed and crank up the computer to "read" the Sunday papers. All National and International papers are on the web and time passes until tea time. There is a bad fire in Australia with loss of life. This is similar to Los Angeles. Both have fires every year. It is strange that water dropping planes and firemen are available after the fires beigin.  Why don't they drop water on forrests which are dry and suseptible to fire risk before the fires start??  Surely that would make sense!
I bet that the some of the owners of the forrestry sell the land for more housing. A fire is a good way around a lack or refusal of planning permission.
Fire raisers are rarely caught and almost all of these fires are started deliberately. So if they drenched the woodland when it became dry it would reduce the fire probability. The cost of drenching the woodlands prior to a fire starting is surly the same as after a fire begins.
Oh well more pills. 

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