Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Life

14th February
Still bitterly cold in Scotland and so I am staying bed! my new terrabyte Hard Drive arrived yesterday and I have passed morning moving about 20 movie on to it. Now with 1,000 gig of free storage I can download concert footage as well as more movies to watch on my 42 inch TV !!
Ain't technology wonderful!
In the new a 13 year old boy has fathered a kid with a 15 year old girl!  The newpapers are killing each other to get an exclusive and the Sun has won the race. Why? Let them stew in it. They will make a mint out of it!  
It is illegal to have intercourse under age so why are they not locked up or charged with that offence? People are not allowed to benefit from the procedes of a crime No doubt,any "income" will be put in a trust. 
The same racket "pays" amateur atheletes. They are amateurs, some claiming benefit, but their appearance money goes into an off shore trust to be collected when they "retire." Well I suppose that you can't eat a medal unless it is chocolate!!
The Banks ar in more trouble Let them go bust!  If Fred & Doris open a shop and a supermarket opens up down the road they go bust. Why should a bank be any different??
The conspiracy theorists have found out that a woman who, sadly, died in the Buffalo plane crash was a 9/11 widow who continually attacked the Government view that Al Khaki did it.
The only khaki involved in 9/11 was the khaki worn by the military spooks involved. How can anyone believe that a guy sitting in a cave, with no electricity, could have planned 9/11 ???
Did he run his Cray mega computer by a team of muppets peddling a bike generator? It would need a mega Cray to run the airline programmes, alone.
Oh well back to the movies!

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(1) Walmart Employees EXPOSED For Falsely Accusing Shoppers Of Theft - YouTube

(1) Walmart Employees EXPOSED For Falsely Accusing Shoppers Of Theft - YouTube