Friday, January 14, 2011

British budget may need EU approval to help shore up the Euro

British budget may need EU approval to help shore up the Euro | Mail Online

Now we gotta give our domestic Budget proposals to the E.U. for their approval if this law is passed!! Who rules Britain anyway? The elected Government or a bunch of bureaucrats in Brussels? This is the thin edge of the wedge to have a European Government and then an American Government as started by the Napta Agreement, followed by an Australasian Government which we could just call Oceania for short ! Beginning to sound as if you read this somewhere? Get out a copy of either '1984' by Orwell or 'Brave new World' by Huxley and see that 1984 is the manual of choice for the One World Government mob.
After these areas are all set up of course all areas will send representatives to a super One World forum to plan for the good of all areas, of course. Then the whole reduction of Government thing starts again until their is only one World Government. people like Orwell were so afraid to be branded lunatics for their prognoses that they wrote under assumed names. He was in fact, Eric Arthur Blair and he was a visionary who saw what was coming as the League of Nations was founded and failed after WW 1. But he saw the way things were heading. It was thought that 1948 would be the year of it all happening but the title was changed, some say, by accident, to 1984. He is not to far out!! say 2184 or 73 yrs time.

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