Monday, May 27, 2019

Deep State Desperation: A False Flag Is Their Last Remaining Option to Save Themselves From Being Exposed & Destroyed +Video | Opinion - Conservative

Deep State Desperation: A False Flag Is Their Last Remaining Option to Save Themselves From Being Exposed & Destroyed +Video | Opinion - Conservative

There appears to be so much desperation building up that they will not care that the coming False Flag will be obvious or not. It just has to happen, soon, be very big and be employed to either kill off a load of investigators, destroy piles of evidence, both of which happen in the Pentagon missile attack, which was a convenient add-on to the main towers destruction job, or both.

The complexity of having people and papers, all together, in one place,at the right times, is the big logistical problem for them, to do a slamdunk. As the sands of time are fast going against a slam dunk, for a plethora of reasons, they must go for a chain of supposedly unconnected events, which will be extremely difficult to provide obfuscation to cover their tracks, in order to send people off at tangents, chasing their tails.

Have the Dark Forces now reached a point of having to destroy, everybody and all evidence, at any cost? I believe that time is coming very soon. I have posted that Iran is smoke and mirrors to have people look over there while things are, or are going to, happen over here. This is them laying the groundwork, in my opinion. So, what next?  Speculation is all that I can offer, as I neither have contact with nor am I involved.

Japan had a huge tsunami which is now thought to have involved exploding a nuke, in a trench, causing water to exit the trench and head in all directions, including a nuclear plant. The results are still being felt today. Bring this scenario onshore and plant a huge nuke in Yellow Stone or drop a nuke into the Cascadia fault line, or both. Kaboom!!! This would tie manpower up for decades and divert them from investigating anything, due to communication hassles. During the chaos, storage units could be attacked. People asking 'where is Joe Blow' would be told traveling West to help the family. Poor cell phone, power and landline poles down blah blah. Kabang!!

Think about some others, by yourself, as I have no wish to write scripts.!!!!

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