Saturday, January 01, 2011

Cancer is A Fungus... and It Is Curable

Cancer is A Fungus... and It Is Curable

I have been saying for many, many, years that the cure for Cancer has been found and is hidden away gathering dust somewhere. There is way too much money to be made by Big Pharma in inventing Cancer treatment cocktails.
Governments are actually trying to reduce the population of the Planet and a cure for one of the most prolific killers of humans would not help. China took a giant leap forward and brought in Laws limiting families to no more than two children. Families wanted boys to provide income and to work for the benefit of the family Girls were not wanted as a dory would e needed hen they got married. Third and fourth kids were "farmed" out to members of the extended family who had no likelihood of having their on children.
Great scandals have been uncovered with hospitals dumping in rubbish tips dead babies of people who had given birth and bolted out of hospital leaving the baby behind or dumping of foetuses from illegal abortions which are being carried out either because there are too many children in a family or it is discovered that the child is a girl in the womb..

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