Friday, January 07, 2011

Animal death mystery: Two MILLION dead fish wash up in Maryland bay

Animal death mystery: Two MILLION dead fish wash up in Maryland bay | Mail Online

Too many stupid excuses have been put out, too quickly, in order to try and poo poo these fish and bird death incidents. These incidents are now World wide and events are overtaking each excuse. Sure, I could believe hypothermia, in crabs, a cold water creature by the way, as they said in England, for one occurrence. But not the same thing all over the World!!!!
A better way would have been to go slow. Saying that tests would be done and in the fullness of time the results would be made public later. But to come out with excuses prior to any examination of a carcass was just a bit silly! So it is airborne and has fallen to Earth and got into the water thus poisoning fish and birds which certainly drink water and may also eat fish. As it is in water, now it has poisoned other sea animals but will it now dilute?
Will it continue on into the food chain having fallen onto ground, with the rain and snow, is the big question for the future.
There is a parallel story running that a high up official and bio warfare scientist was murdered in America, within the past few days, as it was thought that he was going to blow the whistle on a US bio poison that either got out or has been tried out within the past few months. Is this the "son of Agent Orange" which was used to defoliate trees in Viet Nam but also poisoned people apart from killing trees? Is this poison, now killing birds and fish, destined to be used in Afghanistan or at a later date, in a future War, against a country which needs huge food intake of basic items, like say, China. Could this airborne poison kill rice ? As Napoleon said ,"an army marches on it's stomach!" So why not attack the food production system instead of trying to hit logistics convoys and/or fighting pitched battles, just attack each other's staple food and kill the food at source! Are they saying, as a warning, look what we will do to our on people with 9/11 and with this event, so just think what we will do to you, if you don't get in line!!Is this the black side of GM crop experiments? Not only trying to make better crops but also killing off crops too!
So is it man made and if so, who made it and how was it delivered? Did it escape or was it deliberate? Is there a cure and will it advance now that Pandora's Box is open? I think that we should be told, after all we are going to suffer either way. All sorts of conspiracies are possible so let's get the truth, quickly.
Perhaps it is an Alien takeover!!

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