Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Building bombs

on looking through the new pictures of the Oklahoma Bombing I began to think. Always a bit dangerous! What if the Oklahoma building bombing was a trial run for the Twin Towers? Were "they" trying to find out in some sort of Dr. Strangelove experiment how to bring down a multi story building? Start small and get bigger sort of thing.
By no stretch of the imagination did Timothy McVeigh carry out that bombing alone. Was the building rigged to blow and the truck bomb just window dressing with a "patsy" and paper trail all llaid out?
Fast forward to the Twin Towers. High tech explosives, wired building and auto piloted planes for window dressing and 20 "patsys" !!!
Let's face it the same idea worked to get Hitler into power in Germany. His brown shirt crew burned down the German chancellory and the Jews got the blame. Happy birthday Adolf BTW where ever you are! Strange how the oklahoma bombing was on Hitler's birthday! In addition Americans celebrate Patriots' Day on 20/4 as well Very strange.
Operation "paperclip" brought loads of Nazis to America and Britain. These people advanced in their new countries but were steeped in their old ideals. Thus they influenced all parts of life in their adopted lands. Gellen formed the CIA and NASA could not have done without Von Braun. Did some of their plots and schemes filter through as well?
Worth thinking about ain't it ??

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