You do not need a Ph.D in Physics to know that hot air rises and as it does so cold air moves in under the heat. So where does the hot air go? Flat-Earthers would say that it goes as high as a dome covering the earth. In which case, with no escape, the hot air must circulate, hopefully sending heat through the material of the dome and presumably attracting cold air, again, through the dome material. Otherwise, if there is no release valve, the pressure will build up until eventually, something gotta blow!!
The globe spinning in cold space peeps will say that the hot air just rises and is dispersed throughout space. If this is so, then te cold replacement air, presumably coming from space, must have oxygen or carbon dioxide, which can be turned into oxygen via photosynthesis, or both Therefore space can't be a vacuum!!
A cold air sandwich is formed by the hot air produced by/from the earth, covered in a layer of cold air, covered in hot air rising.There would be no need for a release valve as space is huge.
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