Thursday, August 29, 2019

The City of LA Hires Homeless People to Sweep the Streets – For $15/Hr | Politics

The City of LA Hires Homeless People to Sweep the Streets – For $15/Hr | Politics

Six hours of work would bring in 90 bucks. Presumably, it will be paid in cash, as homeless peeps do not have an address to send a check. Some of them will have an account but may not wish the money to go there and be disbursed to alimony, child support or outstanding debt agreements. If they are paid in cash, this money will be used, by many, to buy enough drugs to take the rest of the week off 'manufacturing' enough trash to work the following week!!

I do accept the point that people are transporting their rubbish and dumping it, rather than paying landfill fees. How many times have you seen a builder's skip, outside a flat being remodelled, suddenly fill up overnight??

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