Thursday, August 29, 2019

"Role Players" Needed To Portray "Injured Citizens" In NY Sept 6th &7th | Alternative

"Role Players" Needed To Portray "Injured Citizens" In NY Sept 6th &7th | Alternative

I would have thought that local licenses, similar to street filming by movie companies, would be required by whoever the 'organisers' are that are producing these fake events. Or do they come under the ubiquitous National Security blanket?

Either way, just where does the buck stop, if a person is injured or killed during these pantomimes?  There must be a name on license applications and should none be needed and the operations are taking place for national security reasons, then the Government is responsible.

Either way, should someone be injured, in any way, or killed, in the time immediately before the event begins, during the event or within a reasonable time following the event, they should sue, either the name in which the license was granted or the Government. for damages

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