Thursday, August 29, 2019

Imminent Collapse of the United States, Everything Is About to Go Dark! | Alternative

Imminent Collapse of the United States, Everything Is About to Go Dark! | Alternative

There seems to be a thing, built into humans, making us want to subjugate others and make them convert from their perfectly normal happy way of life to that of their attacker. One group will attack another, changing the indigenous system to their ways, using their laws, their language, their religious beliefs and inevitably, their way of thinking.

Since year 01A.D.. and it was similar before christ B.C., in Europe we had the Celts who swarmed over Europe into Ireland and parts England. As they tried to come into Scotland and NE England, they were met by another Empire, also expanding through warfare, the Norsemen. The Celts were suffering at home. People were rising up in revolution, as always happens to Empires. The Huns, the Goths, the Visigoths and other groups, attacked the Celts and their empire was fragmented.

The Romans had ventured into Egypt and had aspirations of replacing the Celts in Europe. They reached England but could never take Scotland and howls of 'Perfidious Albion' were heard from Roman commanders. Muslim expansion reached as far as Spain from Arabia but could not get into France, mainly due to the Pyrenees mountains, on the border. They were duly repulsed.

The British had a go at ruling the World by warfare. Again supply lines were stretched to breaking point and goods just could not get from A to B quickly enough. Ships helped a great deal but took time to travel. As with all preceding empires, the British Empire was dissolved by uprisings, forcing independence. However, the British, cleverly, had registered claims to the land which they had captured, won via treaties, bought or otherwise legally owned.

Therefore people could gain independence from Britain and form their own Governments and systems but they did not own the land, under their feet, which was rented/leased to them for a fee paid by taxes on the people This devious trick had emanated from the Vatican who claimed ownership of land on which their brand of religion was practiced. They claimed that it was God's land and that they were the Agents of God on Earth!!!!.

Hence, even today, a percentage of American taxes are paid to Britain and to the Vatican.

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