Saturday, April 18, 2015

Paddy Fields Update

Well it has been quite a six weeks for me since I became a Scottish Pensioner !  I have had to sort out my retirement future income  and hoping to make both my savings and future income last for twenty years or so.
Then I get hit with some kind of virus, which caused vomiting and crapping, continually. We have all been sick and had loose bowel shit but this was both at once and everything that I tried to put in, just came out,right away. Well it sure cleaned out the pipes !!
As I have been moaning, since New Year, the Alternative Media has gone the exact same way as the mainstream media.  TOO MANY EGOS ! They all want to be Gurus and will accept pretty much any story that they are fed. You see, they are only as good as their last story and this is the big problem.
To keep ratings up,they will latch onto anything and run with it just to keep going.  Later they have a mea culpa moment and that's that done and dusted.
With the British Election screwing up the Uk Media and the Alternative Media imploding, I am gonna take a fortnight off and re evaluate where am going next.   will be posting on some issues,so please keep me bookmarked

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(1) Walmart Employees EXPOSED For Falsely Accusing Shoppers Of Theft - YouTube