Tuesday, July 12, 2011

News International: Scotland Yard at war with Rupert Murdoch

News International: Scotland Yard at war with Rupert Murdoch | Mail Online

This is going to be so much fun, to sit and watch, as more and more bones, get rattled, in the cupboards of News International, in particular, the Police, the corridors of power and the wider press, in general.
News International are outted and for them, it is all over. They've been caught and all they can now do, is to suffer the slings and arrows fired at them, as they, surely, will be. Punishment will then follow. The kettle,which has been boiling for years has got too hot, the lid has popped and the water is flowing, everywhere. The stress of keeping a lid on things has been relieved and they can fall no further, they hope!!
The Police are becoming a bigger joke than they already were following these revelations, which are just the tip of the iceberg, in my opinion. For decades, there has always been a cop available,willing do a small masonic or monetary favour, for somebody, by checking ownership of a car, or who stays here or there, or getting details of ex directory numbers. Although films are fiction, not all of the details are fiction, too. Film makers have been telling it like it is, in little scenes, within the bigger picture! How can the public watch a movie and they stay that such and such could never happen, in real life?
I, personally know of cops who got engines and gearboxes, for cars, from a local car makers. Another who sold shotguns, to a friend of mine, which came out of property and were supposedly, destroyed. Another, who appeared as a witness, in porn distribution cases, who sold the evidence, after the people were sentenced, instead of destroying it. Car numbers is amateur stuff and I am only one guy, who saw all of this happening.
Politicians have seen the movie and like Admiral Nelson, put their telescope to their blind eye. It has worked just as well, for them and their researchers, getting information via the back door or covering up little problems for local councilors, M.P.'s or Ministers who are caught, usually coming out of ladies or gents flats when they should be at a meeting or away at a conference. Police may have been watching another address near by and hey presto, out pops a prize rabbit for stewing, later. It was all done on a you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours, basis. A local councillor, who had a small dalliance, forgotten to be entered in the log or notes could be relied upon to vote the right way on the Police committee. A more senior politician could use influence to do this or that little favour in return. It was all arranged, out of the way of prying eyes, at masonic lodges and golf clubs.
The press, were thrown a bone, now and then, by one side or the other, to get rid of a nuisance, who was poking about, or a rival for a position and I seriously doubt, that all of the papers, currently, throwing mud, have not done exactly the same things, themselves.
But this is, now, too big and there will be much more to come, as people become cornered and either roll over for a lighter sentence, to escape or see an opportunity for revenge or a gain of some sort of advantage or promotion for themselves. They better make sure that they are squeaky clean, before embarking down that road. What of mistresses, ex wives,boyfriends or rent boys, who, also, may know a thing or three!!
It would not surprise me if the whole thing widened out from phone hacking and some information stealing to cover the massive bribery scams, which have taken place, but where never, ever, properly resolved. A few minnows got a small sentence, here and there. but the big fish escaped, as usually happens. They are known, collectively, as the usual suspects. Information is, most certainly power and a lot of people are sitting on a lot of information..
Pandora's box has been opened and the lid flung away. It cannot, now be closed as things have gone way, too, far,now. Should the spooks and/ or the military became tainted with the same broad brush, then the whole deal, will go nuclear. I hope that it happens. The press have had a field day, taunting the spooks, over the clown in the locked gym bag case and the Dr. Michael Kelly case, where an intelligent man, slashes his wrist with a blunt pruning knife and after he dies, he cleans up all of the mess and hides eight pints of blood. We had a helicopter landing and taking off 15 minutes later, near the scene. Fairly obviously, to extract the murderer, the blood and the covers upon which it all took place, well away from the car in which the body was dumped. He was known to favour paracetamol and how easy it would have been to replace them with heavy sleepers. It would make him very drowsy, but not a sack of coal. This was done to avoid a car check should the body be found and a witch hunt started. What better way was there, than a helicopter, to take the evidence away, weight it and drop it in the Sea. Now it must have taken off and landed somewhere. It must have appeared on radar, even if no radio contact was made. Nobody ever bothered looking for those records. Who had the power to stop that happening? Spooks!
That could reopen the whole gamut of Lockerbie and 7/7 where a bus, which was only diverted for that one day, at that time, blows up in Tavistock square. Much was said about staff running from offices to assist the injured. However it was never mentioned that the Tavistock Institute is based there. They are cousins of the Spooks, who arrange solution scenarios to solve difficult human relationship and interaction problems or provide war game strategies, in plan English. The spooks will have their little joke with each other, as do the press, with all of them and their rival publications!!!
This could run and run and become the new broom, which society has been badly needing for some time. There has been way too much smoke and mirrors, subterfuge and obfuscation going on since John Dee began spying on the public and others for Queen Elizabeth I. Perhaps, this will bring most of it, out in the open, as people decide to save their own skins, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. Look out for an increase in the suicide rate and cars crashing a lot.!!!! It should all be a hoot hoot!!!

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