Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Joplin, Missouri

Joplin, Missouri | CARE | Region 7 | US EPA

Lead and Zinc have been mined in the area since 1850 and the folks are getting very sick, there. It is time for a clean up. In the Uk we had a lot of lead pipes in the home which carried drinking water. As the water flowed it eroded tiny fragments off the pipe walls which were getting into everything.
Slowly as the lead pipes need renewed they were being taken out and replaced with Copper ones. The uk then obtained massive Grants and over time, lead piping has been almost totally eradicated in the Uk replaced with plastic pipes. It is time that America did the same, to save their children and folks from getting lead poisoning and children, in the womb, being born,deformed due to it.
Aaron McCollum's wife, Meridith is, currently, completing a big report, on the area, having done loads of research, which will be coming soon at truthsurvival.com Look for it there, along with other interesting items. I will be posting it, here, when she produces it.

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