Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Advertising on this Site.

My site is approaching 200,000 visits and I think that it is time that I got some recompense for all of the time and searching which I do, in order, to find stories, which I think may be of interest.My site is visited by people all over the World as anyone can see by looking at the Feedjit entries ion the right hand side.So if one visitor tells a friend you can see the potential market.
On Facebook, I am approaching 2,000 friends. I have been approaching high number people with a view to them being added. Most have 75 friends of their own, a lot have over 100 and some have more than 200. In a few case some have over 300. Local Discos and businesses are down on my list of friends.
So my posts appear on 2,000 walls. If each have 75 to 100 walls that they, in turn appear on and so onward,I could reach 150,000 people if they mention what has appeared on their wall to their friends.I am on Twitter too, in a lesser degree.
I have worked long hours to build this base up. I had thought of going the merchandising route with tee shirts, hats, pens and other stuff. However money is very very tight just now. So here it is, now available to be used.
The Site is mine and the legality of using Facebook, to plug stuff, may be a hassle but everybody does it .all the time. MacDonald's is mentioned so much, that I am surprised that anyone eats anything else.!!!
So make me an offer, initially via e. mail, highest bidder to use it all exclusively,wins. Or just a placement of products sort of deal. Paddy Fields says Manure is good for the garden but (a company) manure is better than the rest.  Hurry, don't be slow or you may loose the chance.
Please don't just spam as it is so childish and rather boring. 

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