Sunday, November 01, 2015

11/01/2015 Global Earthquake Forecast West Coast Warning , Yellowstone Fissure and Volcanoes _dutchsinse | Politics

11/01/2015 Global Earthquake Forecast West Coast Warning , Yellowstone Fissure and Volcanoes _dutchsinse | Politics

What a lot of doom and gloom going about these days.  September and October were forecast as disasters.Result  nothing happened. November is forecast to have 15 days of darkness and the probability of Yellowstone blowing which has been forecast since the Summer.!!

The big problem is that the Alternative news has become just as bad as Mainstream Media with planted false stories which gain legs and go viral in minutes.Big Brother has discovered that Mainstream Media is too slow !!! With a few bought and paid for egotistical talking heads, putting out the same false stories,well it must be true,ain't it?  Remember that chestnut?  I read it in the papers or heard it on the news, so it must be true !!!

The Internet has been a wonderful thing for people but like every other wonderful thing, it has been taken over and corrupted by Big Brother, who has learned how to use it,to put out crap and fear porn via presstitutes and radio talking heads looking for their 15 minutes of fame...

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