Friday, January 23, 2015

[New post] Islam Unveiled: The Horrific Muslim Practice Of Female Genital Mutilation - - Gmail

 Islam Unveiled: The Horrific Muslim Practice Of Female Genital Mutilation

I got this E mail and my normal practice is to go to the site and put that page up on my blog site. I am blocked from getting to the original page.

I think that genital mutilation of either sex is barbaric, unless it is done for health reasons.

It is strange to me that two religions whos practioners are bitter enemies of each other, are so similar.

Jews and Muslims

Neither eat pork    Both kill animals for food by bleeding  Both cut genitals  Both wear special garments during sex  Both worship on a Friday  Both have holy books of rules   it goes on and on.........

Why do they hate each other??

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