Thursday, January 26, 2012


Tolec is branching out!!  He is supposedly a human, who normally talks to Alfredt Webre  He says that the has been a computer worker for over 20 years  but keeps his Earth name secret. Personally I think he is a wanker!!!
Now that he is talking to others, just watch for the selling plan coming for videos and speeches to finance his pension plan !!!! He cannot prove a word of what he says as no Andromedan has come forward to back him up.!! A bit into this talk he slips up and says ' as we were saying, last week, when we were preparing for this...' So they are all scripted to some degree.
Just like David Wilcock is doing and Kerry Cassidy is beginning to do.  Sure they got expenses, bills to pay and that is fair enough. David writes books, sells readings to clients and makes a few bucks in that way. Kerry, now, has more and more conferences which are happening, mainly, in America. They book a hotel for a weekend and folks go there to listen to speakers and stay in the hotel, spending money in the bars, cafes and so on. It is a nice earner as tickets are sold in advance. The hotel wins as most events happen in off season and they get rooms filled.
So it looks like Tolec is about to join the big Tour!!!! Maybe his company are downsizing!!

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