Sunday, January 29, 2012

How my views have changed over fifty years.

I saw my first dead body at the age of 3/4, my Grandpa.  He was laid out, Irish style, on top of the bed, with his best suit and boots on and a candle at each corner. Two of my uncles were pilots. One died in a glider, while instructing a pupil, who lived, in the RAF.The other died in Ankara, Turkey in the cockpit of a BEA flight to London. They crashed into a mountain, in falling snow, on take off.  The altimeter was later proven to be wrong. These were pre teen 1950's and had me thinking. My father died when I was 13 and various uncles,aunts and cousins of my parents died too. I was surrounded by it and began to explore it.  Not in a morbid way, just in a questioning way.Where do we go? What happens and so on.  Not a good outlook, but inevitable and so not worth getting bothered about.
I read the Bible, cover to cover and saw that it was a good book, with good values but pure fiction!!!! There had been so many translations and so many benefactors having bits put in and taken out to suit their needs and control the sheeple. I read about Budda and liked that. I read about Indian Gods for everything and each had their followers. I got interested in ancient feudal Japan. But really, religion was a failure and I had given it up by 15/16. The best quote that I have ever read on religion was that "Man invented religion to keep man in some order."
I was being pestered along the lines of choosing a career. What was the point, I thought, we all gonna die, brain surgeons or binmen.I got round it by saying let's see what exams I pass and go from there. Breathing room.
Politics took my interest. let's make it better.Why pay all of these Governments?  I had just read 1984 and Animal Farm and quite fancied a one World Government, where the space race was stopped and as Kennedy wanted, let's go there as Earth and not as Russia and America were doing, spending loads of money doing the same things. This money could be used for poverty and a one World Government could send stuff to where it was needed without country borders and paperwork.  Heady days the 1960's. I came to realise that they were all bent and it was better not to have just one big bent one!!! I became a no hoper, a Liberal. I nearly joined the Party too, but their joining with the Social Democrats and new Liberal ideas made them seem desperate.
Yes I had passed a few exams but of a general nature. English, Maths,Arithmetic and Technical Drawing. I did a couple of years as a draughtsman in heating and ventilating and liked it. In my second year I was put out on the fabrication floor. I was handed a lit up gas welding torch, rods and told to weld up pipe bends!!! No training, no safety, complete rubbish.  I could watch and learn but had no real practical experience. So that ended that one. I had a go at marriage, but failed at that too.
My Mother's family had all gone to Los Angeles and the plot was for my Mother and me to go there. A house was sorted and I had a job to go too. My uncle bought houses, did them up and sold them on. We went over and I hated the place!!  The almighty Dollar!!! Everybody was fighting for a tip ! Over attentive waiters, happy smiles and plastic people. It was at this time that I coined the plastic people phrase which I have used all of my life to describe people who are moulded into what they perceive to be their job persona, to the exclusion of all else. Then carp about it when not working. America was cancelled.
I dodged from one office to another and during a term of doing nothing ended up as a roadie for a band. They were good times but we had a bad crash, which I realised, later, had ruined my life, for such a small thing. I broke a small bone at the base of my spine. This piece had fired across and was lodged against my sciatic nerve. I was in constant pain and moving in certain ways caused a nerve shut down and I fell, with some rather spectacular results, sometimes!!! I was attending college, during the day, with a view to becoming an Accountant, which I did do.Later I attended the Open University home study thing. Self employment was the only game in town!!! Total control. Wage slaves were silly people, to me. Unfortunately, these people are the backbone of the economy and pay for everything, via taxation, while I was paid to save people actually paying!!!.
By the 1980's I had become a drunk. Never when working but I began to do less and less work. I could not handle the back pain. I had mastered the falling down, by only turning in one way, but could not sleep unless I was drunk.  I had three girls working for me in their homes. One typing and the other two number crunching. They got an hourly rate and I charged three times as much. What a system!!! Then I found computers. Spreadsheets make accountancy a complete doddle and the word processor is pretty good too!!!
The drinking had brought on Gout/Arthritis in all major and minor joints. I was in and out of hospital and it took eight years for them to arrive at a diagnosis. During one of my visits I had a strange experience. I had a high fever and was in that lovely drifting mode of feeling warm,comfy and having no pain. Real deluxe, while aware of where I was and asleep when not. So I sit up, quick and ask a wee student nurse, 'what's my temperature?' Eventually she told me 104/5 I crashed back thinking about ice cream, icebergs and concentrating on getting it down.
Next thing I know, she is back with a basin of water and washing me down, with tears in her eyes!!  oh ho.
I moved up from the bed as if on a set off moving stairs. I was still horizontal. When I got to the height of about 12 feet I saw a central convey going down the ward toward the bright day room at the end of the ward.
I was swivelled and put onto it and off I trundled. When I reached the dayroom I was on my feet. There was a white mist round my feet like on stage.  A huge rocky outcrop to my right and a passage way going round to the right from where I was. I moved over, to see, via the angle, what was round there. Just round the corner there was a rough rocky archway which emitted bright white light  from somewhere below. It seemed to me to go down into a central area but that was all I saw.
I tall man with black shoulder length, swept back, hair and full beard came round the passageway, from beyond this tunnel entrance, passing it to stand in front of me. He glided in the mist. He was wearing a luminescent light blue garment, covering from the neck down.We did hellos. In right away, I asked what is causing that light? He said, you may go there, if you wish, but you do not come back from there. I say, no going back then?  No.  um decisions, decisions.
He said, you can go back, if you choose, as you have a lot more to do there, to help people or move down there. It was then that I realised we were telepathic. Um I would like to help people, if I can.  Okay,your decision is to go back? Yes. I awoke and shouted at the nurse that the guy opposite was in great pain and needed help!!! Strange!!
My Mother died and I had to decide whether I was going to slide into the bottle or get it together. I stopped it for six months. Since then 1990 until to day I have been able to take it or leave it. I can go into a pub, with friends, have a bar lunch and/or a couple of pints and then walk out. I very occasionally make a good steak dinner and have a bottle of wine with it, at home. I never quite manage to finish it. The number of hospital incarcerations has reduced greatly.
Now I am registered as disabled. I compute, I blog, I sleep, I eat. I like being solitary, but must rely on a few old friends to fetch and carry the heavier stuff. I used to drive a lot. It became a pointless waste of money. I would get up at 4am and drive a couple of hundred miles, have breakfast and come home in time for lunch. Boring. Computing, for me has been a life saver. I buy everything via the web and get it all delivered  I can track orders, or as in Tesco's food system, they allow booking a two hour window on any day available. This is fantastic!!!  New household stuff comes from either one of two home shopping firms. I have flex accounts with both and just add the new cost and adjust the monthly payments. Anything outwith I pay via plastic cards.
I have gazzillions of TV satellite channels and the whole WWW. My new thing is talking books. Music is my other love and I got a wide taste excluding,  Country & Western, Rap, Punk and gangsta.  Why are C&W always the truck got a puncture, my dog got rabbies, my girlfriend left me  but I'm fine cause I got my guitar!!!
Oh well, basically, I am liberal minded and think that it is nice to be nice. I am anti War/violence. I do think that many women dress, stupidly, but they should get a fine and not be sexually attacked for doing so.I would not go as far as Muslim garb, but for some it might be an improvement!!!  I have no time for people wasting my time. Governments should work on behalf of and for the good of the people. The space adventure should be combined. People who attack the elderly and disabled should get sentences and not fines! It is long passed time that cannabis was legalised. It is great for arthritis and many other ailments. More and more it is being used to cure cancer. Soldiers can't fight, stoned!!  Sell it via a chemist, what is the problem??  Don't big pharma make enough yet? Everything they produce seems to have side effects which, of course, need more pills and potions and so it goes on.  Unlimited income, forever. Nobody has ever overdosed on hash, ever. Can pharma say the same??
Oh well enough. There just ain't much news . 

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