Sunday, November 06, 2011

Has Kerry Cassidy been conned?

I posted an audio of Project Camelot's containing a phone conversation that she had with a guy, who visited the Apache Indian Reservation, on which the Dulce underground base is situated, inside a range of hills.The Indians do not go there much, as they consider it a bad place. They were there in October of this year.
Camelot had been chasing him for an interview for about a year and got nowhere. Kerry Cassidy returned from a long flight from India and low and behold her answering machine had a message to urgently phone him, which she duly did, although tired, in the early hours. She taped the interview as posted. I thought that it was rather dodgy, but could not put my finger on it, at the time.
Now he says that Jesse Ventura's people had asked him to get to Dulce, as an advisor or some such, as he is a published author. He had not intended going so soon, but did so. On arrival at the reservation Ventura's people were not allowed in, although some arrangements had been made to film there. He, on the other hand was allowed in, to film and given an ex policeman, now guide. So why him, came to mind?
So they all climb up onto the Mesa and he spots two cases of military origin, which have been traced back as having contained F5 fighter engines. This was an old fighter made by Northrop in the 60's 70's and as far as I know, only Taiwan still has them.The guide says that he has never seen them there before.What is this all about?
So he is having speech problems and he says after a long rigmarole that he was affected by nerve gas or similar while up there. Ms Cassidy suddenly asked 'but  why were you there? Were you trying to find the base? Really, everybody knows that it is there and has done for some time.' Phil Scheinder, prior to being suicided with piano wire, lectured about building it and the fight between the reptilians and security, in which he was apparently shot by a ray gun. Others have confirmed the War and the base.One was a security guard and they are in hiding now. He then begins to wander a bit. Now I missed a lightbulb moment. He was the only one affected !!  The indians and the others with them were not.  Strange.
In the light of the underground bases being destroyed, in August, I think that this guy has been put up as a disinfo agent, to keep people away from this one huge base. It is said to have maglev trains connecting it all over America and goes down seven levels. It is said that experiments and cages of humans are kept on the lower floors, by the reptilians. Is this base going to be their Custer's last stand? What better than to have a go at Project Camelot in passing as he suddenly turned up there when Kerry. Cassidy was not, understandably, at her brightest.We shall see..................

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