To me and this is my personal view the 9/11 and 7/7 events were completely stage managed by the US and UK Governments using the Israelis as willing contractors and blame takers if their operatives got caught planting devices and preparing the sites. These events were certainly not carried out by a guy in a cave in Afghanistan with messages being passed by word of mouth . The logistics are impossible.
Sammy Bin Liner was a CIA agent who fought the Russians and got them out of Afghanistan. America thought that he would form a pro US Government allowing them to run pipelines across the country and give them access to the mineral wealth of the country. But Sammy used them just as they had used him and the worm turned! He had to go as America were made to look stupid as another dog slipped the leash and bolted with their bone ! Sadam Hussein had made a similar move. He was a CIA plant too.
However, in addition to the oil America would then have a forward base for a future War with China which had to come eventually on their World Domination Tour. Russia had become a spent force due the Star Wars script which they swollowed hook line and sinker at the hands of Ronnie Raygun
Nine Eleven
There always has to be a patsy so who better than Sammy. He now wanted an Islamic World so that brought the willing Israelis on board who in turn wold be patsys if they were caught. Total deniability. Rogue elements blah blah blah. A trial of the technology was carried out at oakie City to see how much of the "stuff" would be needed run by another patsy MacVie. Why did the spook military need to hire a ryder truck when they got gazzilions of trucks. ???
Israel had the technology to remotely control aircraft up to the size of a twin jet 737. A twin jet 767 looks much the same to joe six pack. 2 jets and wings ! Photos are all over the web showing pods fitted under crashing planes. Control planes and helicopters were in the air in the area but it was denied. Photos exist. Eventually a weekend warrior Hercules pilot was put up to say a piece to camera stating that his plane was not a flying control base.
The flight numbers of the planes which may have hit the towers were canceled that day ! All of them??
If the hijackers had taken over a plane with box cutters they couldn't fly an aircraft with such dexterity nor could a human survive the g force of many of the turns. Only a machine could have controlled those planes.
The corner of the Pentagon had offices of people who "THE NEXT DAY" were going to release details of $32 trillion dollars which had "gone missing" in Iraq!!! So two birds with one cruise missile was a cheap way out.
Lamp posts falling the wrong way and cab driver who lied through his teeth helped that one. But the cracker for me was that so many special agents appeared to be ready to move in a grab every bit of cctv footage in the area.
We have the phone calls from a plane from the wife to hubbie which couldn't have taken place!!! That really was gilding the lily for the human interest part.
This had all the elements of a black comedy farce!! Four Muslim patsys who could be talked into being "performing seals" for fame, better race relations and money. You can feel the syrup! Who buys a return ticket to go and commit suicide? How do you fall asleep in your car while waiting on your mates coming to go and blow up London ? Could you? How do you travel on a train which did not exist? It was cancelled!!
Was it a "in" joke to divert a bus into Tavistock Gardens where the Tavistock Centre Government think tank is situated saying look what we can do not just plan it? It is just a stupid caveat that they would love
in the Pollyanna/Lewis Carroll world that these people live in.
Buses and cctv cameras in the area all failed at the same time!! An unknown group of untalkative strangers were working on the very buses involved !! Did they fix the cameras??
How does a bomb inside a cylinder which travels inside a tube blow the metal upward and not down ??
On both occasions there were drills going on in exactly the same areas with exactly the same plots ! Could any bookie give me the odds on that happening once never mid twice!!!!!!!! More confusion! Why are there no whistleblowers? Well if a country can kill it's own people for gain what would they do to cover it up?
There will be deathbed confessions and papers appearing later in the future. I am sure that cover up teams exist now to clean up most possibilities but some will come out.
There is more and more information available and all you have to be is willing to look for it and not allow yorselves to be spoon fed. Make your own mind up, I have .
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