Friday, October 29, 2010

Lonely Muscovites look for husbands and wives in traffic jams

Lonely Muscovites look for husbands and wives in traffic jams - English

In UK traffic jams your door gets opened and anything not tied down gets stolen. OR you get the squezzie folk scratching your window with grit encrusted rags! If you roll down your window you get child beggers asking for money!
Should you try to chat up someone you are treated to abuse calling you a pervert and a SWAT team arrives complete with helicopters and four doggies. If you are alone and singing with the windows closed then an ambulance and men in white coats appear from nowhere thinking you are talking to your self and mad !

Then if you have dodged all of that you here "mee mah mee mah" of the emergency services late for their tea break!!!

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