Wednesday, June 12, 2019

New joke about TV licenses in the UK

The BBC that bastion of hypocrisy and fake news has come out with a whopper! Remember this supposed NEWS organisation announced to the World, on September 11, that Building 7 had collapsed at  1725hrs, while clearly showing, over the announcer's shoulder, an erect building 7!!! If ever there was a reason not to pay a license to watch their channels, this crap was it!!
The BBC has been the main propaganda outlet of the UK Government since it was only broadcasting on the radio. The advent of TV,  invented by a Scotsman, John Logie Baird, allowed them, initially in the London area, to broadcast pictures and sound, from studios at Crystal Palace. They blossomed from there. The Government decided that the people should pay a license fee to watch and in turn that no adverts would ever be shown. This has been circumvented many many times, with products being shown, in plain view, during most popular programs. Carmakers, especially, fight to have their makes and models available, free of charge, to appear in long-running shows.
The current fee is £145 per year for a household to watch the BBC. Cases have failed, involving people who claim that they do not watch BBC, but do watch the other channels, which are free to air and paid for via advertising. As their set is capable of receiving the BBC you must pay. Some people, in remote areas of Scotland, have proven that they cannot receive a BBC signal, but fall into the same trap, that their tv set could receive BBC.
For many years, a couple of figures toured housing estates in light green vans, who were supposedly able to define which home had a TV operating and had a license as opposed to which home had a  tv on, but had no license. This was all clever psychology as it was later proven to be impossible. They would tour areas, in which very few licenses had been applied for. So clever, that as soon as the van was spotted, kids would run home and tv's would be turned off, until the van went away!! Clever, just the same.
With the advent of computers, channels, including the BBC, could show previously aired programmes, in later days. Many people began watching their favourites, the next day or at weekends and by doing so, they needed no license. This was brought under license conditions, later. People then turned to the internet, to watch their favourites. Some complete series had been bought in from other countries. Others ran in tandem with one country ahead of the other. By using Pirate Bay, people could download the full series or future episodes before they had been shown. Pirate Bay then had to be hit hard which has caused it no damage whatever!!!
Another way to pay no license, which I use, is to sign a form stating that I do ot watch TV at all. I only play games and watch YouTube etc. This gives me a 2 year grace period and then I do it again. I still get visits to check but I have cameras fitted at the back and front of my flat. I just ignore them and do not open the door. The law states that they must catch me watching a broadcast. people are ow baiting and intimidating employees of Capita, the BBC collection agency, who come round to check if you do or do not have a license and put the results on YouTube.  The laws of the UK are pretty simple. You are under no obligation to open your front door to anybody. if you do not engage them, they go away. If you do engage with them then you are under no obligation to allow them inside your home. If, having realised your faux pas, you say not one word and immediately close the door then you are within the Law. Should they try the 'foot in the door' game, you need only say, 'Get out of my home and if you do not do so, I will ask the police arrest you and have you charged with Common Assault and Burglary.' Normally they bolt,then. TV channels now broadcast on Youtube, including the BBC. So it would seem to be a bit of an oxymoron to even need a license.
Due to much advocacy by Jack Jones, an ex Union President, who in retirement fought for pensioners rights, it was decided that if a household had a person over the age of 75, they would be exempt, no matter their financial position. Now it has been decided that only pensioners, over 75, who receive pension credit will be exempt with others having to pay up!
I would ask just how will they find out who is and who is not getting PC. We have the Data Protection Act in the UK which makes it illegal to carry out treasure trove diving into data to produce lists of people who do this or that. Will any future applications for a license include a question to be answered? how can they disprove if you lie? Will the Government agencies be inundated with 'proof' requests?
In my view, everyone should apply for a 2 year exemption, which can be done online, no matter what their age happens to be and when/if they visit to check, just ignore them.

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