Friday, March 18, 2016

American Election

Being Scottish, I have no vote in the American elections which,to me, are fast becoming a black comedy. People go out,thinking that they live in a democracy, to vote and vote and vote. In reality,their votes mean damn all as the rules were changed decades ago to allow super delegates to decide which puppet gets the nomination for the to major parties.
The Republicans are right wingnuts who believe that might is right and money is everything. If you ain't got either,you are a useless eater, to be stepped on,no matter what colour your skin.They are a dying breed.
Every European country has come to see that in economics,a mixed economy is the best without polarisation either to the left or to the right.of the centre. Communism has not worked and neither has Fascism. A little of both is the best way forward.
Britain saw this during the Industrial Revolution. Germany and Japan saw this after the demolition job done to those countries during WW2. France is still a bit too far left but is changing gradually. Look at the changes in the new Russia which has gone from hard left towards the middle ground. Even China is moving!! America must change also.
The Democrats remind me of the failed alliance in the Uk which became the Social Democratic Party. Some Labour cabinet ministers believed that the Labour Party was going too far left, back to it's Communist and Fabian Society roots. They formed a new party and made people think.
To me, the Democrats think the same of the Republicans and believe that they have gone too far right. They are a right of centre party, just like the Republicans. So they are clawing back the Republicans from their excesses,but nothing more. The mad totally right wing ideal is doomed and slowly,slowly the Republicans are being pulled back towards the centre by the Democrats but not near enough or fast enough/
So enter the Trumpet player.  Government sucks !  Look at me,I'm successful. I know how to run things ! I got a huge loan from my Daddy and look what I did.  With that amount of start up money, only an imbecile could fail.!! Government sucks !  Vote for me.
Is Trump the last chance Republican? Should he win,as seems very likely, will he become a right wing Adolf Hitler mark 2 ???  He owes nobody favours and is using his own money in his campaign. He is his own man. Is he possibly a meglomaniac? Will he do a Republican Custer's last stand.?
I believed that Trump was a breath of fresh air in the corrupt corridors of power in USA. Now,I am not so sure. Perhaps it might be safer to leave the crooked politicians to do the politics after all.
Hilary who??  Oh dear No way !!    

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