Friday, March 25, 2016

9/11 BOMBSHELL --- 'Was A Gift To The NSA' As Well As A False Flag Black Op | Alternative

9/11 BOMBSHELL --- 'Was A Gift To The NSA' As Well As A False Flag Black Op | Alternative

When I saw the first videos of 9/11, with flashes coming out of the buildings, I knew that explosives had been planted, either to assist plane damage or,as I saw later,to cover up the fact that no planes were involved! These explosives had to have been rigged, in advance, in all of the buildings. How was building 7 set up to be demolished in a few hours, with no demolition firm involved,no permits applied for and  later than scripted!??!!

There had to be American Government officials in it up to their necks!!!

Then we had 7/7 in London and all became very clear to me. America and Britain had to have incidents, big enough, to get the public aroused for revenge. The people wanted vengence but the Governments wanted oil.

The Madrid train bombing was Europe's share in the plot.

As more and more was exposed, it became obvious that Israel had provided the labourers, rigging buildings,buses and fixing cameras to fail. Had hey been caught,they would have quietly gone home. America, Britain and possibly Spain allowed these incidents to happen killing their own people!!

America also used the plot, to cover up the loss of $2.3 trillion, kill off some irritating investigators, dodged paying Gold out, which was removed from the Twin Towers never to be seen or heard of again!! Even without ousting Sadam Hussain,having their Wars and stealing the oil, America did pretty well out of the plot tidying up some rather large loose ends.

Sheeple actually continue to vote and support these animals !!!

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