Sunday, November 01, 2015

Are You Fluoridated? |

Are You Fluoridated? | GreenMedInfo | Blog Entry

We,in Scotland, had a huge legal case about whether to have or not to have Fluoride added to our water which resulted in a win for the anti Fluoride movement. Great super!!!

But did it stop Fluoride coming into Scotland, in products made containing Fluoride.?   NOPE!!!

We have Coca Cola,Pepsi bottled water and all sorts of products which all contain Fluoride.  So why did they bother ?  Well the lawyers put up a stalking horse to bring the case. She was a pensioner with low income and was therefore granted legal aid to pay all of the costs of the case,experts and lawyers which ran into millions.

To me the worst offender, as far as importing Fluoride into Scotland by the back door,is the maker of Irn Bru which is advertised as the other national drink of Scotland. Well Whiskey may not have Fluoride but a lot of Irn Bru certainly has it inside.

Barr's decided to bite into Coke and Pepsi's market share but they could not extend their Glasgow factory. So they accepted a sweetheart deal in Sunderland in the North of England. They got a new factory,low rent,cheap rates. It made great business sense. But they realised they would be pilloried in the press for their Made in Scotland adverts. This is how they tried to hide it...........

All trucks must have ownership details n them. Barr's set up a separate company to own new stainless steel tanker trucks. They then transported product from Sunderland to Glasgow to be put into bottles. Coming out of Glasgow are bottles with and without Fluoride. They are no marked. As the product is still made in Scotland bottles are marked accordingly no matter whee the contents were made!!

Have you ever known a company not to emblazon their name on the side of their trucks? Step forward the company which owns the tanker trucks. No mention of or connection to Irn Bru appears on them.

They are doing nothing illegal by the way. I just think it is a bit underhand.

Barr's now have a huge plant in Milton Keynes in the South of England which was another sweetheart deal. Fair enough,good business sense. However product is moving up to Glasgow to their bottling plant, So yet again,does the Irn Bru that you are drinking have Fluoride or not?  Who knows??

I think that it should be labeled !!

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