Was Timothy McVeigh a Government Agent? This video of His Secret Life Will Shake You! | Conspiracy Theories
I firmly believe that Timothy McVeigh is alive and well. The Oklahoma City bombing,in my opinion,was a dry run for the 9/11 Towers bombing. Computer models are fine but it needs a scale model actual event to extrapolate precis figures.
They were trying to figure out if a building would come down by blowing out a corner. The blind sheik had tried to blow the Twin Towers from inside out and failed in 1993 Okie was to try it the other way. A corner going inwards! The problem being how much vertical height would need to come down to topple the rest of the building.?
Step forward Tim and 'patsy.' The patsy was the fall guy anyway up. He would be blamed if McVeigh escaped capture or investigation. He could also act as a conduit to guide any bad investigators.Tim had his 'get out of jail' card but they might just need a patsy.
Okie was a try out for 9/11 as was the 1993 Blind Sheik fiasco. So just how far back and to whom,does the planning go for 9/11?? It must go back to the mid 1980's
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