The system that they wanted was to be an all encompassing one where everybody had records on it so that if they moved to another area or became ill, away from home, their records would be instantly available. Of course it is impossible to achieve!! But nobody thought of that !!!!
The system is on as good as the database upgrades. if a person moves home and does not notify colossus of the change then they become 'invisible.' If a person has never had any illnesses nor has been registered at a Doctor's surgery, then ,they too, are not on the system. Travelling folk are less likely to be on the system or more likely they have two dozen names and addresses.
It just could not be updated. I wondered just how many people that it might help? Most folk stay with the same Doctor. If a family moves home then they contact a new Doctor. So I think that it was more Big Brother orientated than for any real medical reason. It would just have been another database to be checked against other databases to ensure that everybody is on record. Then, at a later point, all of the databases would be merged to save money, of course.! In the mean time, they don't worry how much that it costs to get their listings.
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