Tuesday, December 07, 2010

What Goes Around Comes Around

What Goes Around Comes Around

Wikileaks have been charged with nothing. Found guilty of nothing. Yet the people involved are being followed and harassed with bogus charges and now Julian Assange, in another turn of the screw, is refused bail and must spend time in jail while fighting extradition. Okay his lawyer might appeal during the week and try to get him out but I really don't think it will happen. They want him in Sweden for some obscure "Alice in Wonderland" Machiavellian plot that has been concocted. Mind you Swedish jails are much better!!!
All of a sudden, after years of trading, Paypal and now Visa stop accepting donations just when he needs them most. STRANGE? A Swiss bank has frozen both Wiki and his own accounts so that he can get no money to lie on. They will say he has no fixed abode as he was living in a Press Club, that he is itinerant with no money and a possible rapist with no proof!!!
It ain't looking too good as "they" heap it on to him. But and it is a big but. If there is one small crack in their plan and it shows up, there could just be a backlash, when more people realise what has been going on in their names by their elected politicians.

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