Navy Officers shout and swear a lot as these days they can't lash a man with a cat o nine tails or string them up from the yardarm as in days of old. So, of course, a good shouting at is all that can be done. American Marines are quite quiet too!! He keeps a straight bat for Britain ! Okay! Ya?
Now who was his Dad again?
Hills Clintstone will have to go for breaking just about every UN statue and Law asking for DNA samples and credit card numbers. To play "whose skeleton's in whose cupboard" no doubt.
The retorts are amazing. How does gossip affect National Security? Whose life is in danger by saying, what we all knew anyway, that Bella Esconi is a Merchant Banker ! Watch him eyeball the main TV cameras and that rock lobster tan? Sarko peacocks about with a height complex. It rips out of his body language. He goes on the back foot to look up to whomever he talks too. This gives the talker two advantages right away. He can talk down authoritavely and Sarko is on the defensive by backing.
Of course Madved is Putters's puppet, please, come on !! Kim Il "highheeled sneakers" MahJong is the Mr Punch of a Chinese puppet show. With the Dali Lama as Mrs Punch and Vietnam as the Chinese crocodile going all the way to the Sea for exports via another outlet. Truck or train the stuff to Vietnam and get a better price and foreign currency flow. Chinese Capitalism in action.
The ex Diplomat at the end has it all spot on. Diplomacy is all two-faced gossip !
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