Friday, January 31, 2020

(26) Inside The Vatican - Beyond The Forbidden Veil | Full Documentary - YouTube

(26) Inside The Vatican - Beyond The Forbidden Veil | Full Documentary - YouTube

all religions are just controlling mechanisms promising everything and producing nothing. the catholic church is number one. they fool all of their members, all of the time.

did you know that the face of jc used in all pictures and statues is actually the face of a Medici pope, who was married, had children and had orgies in the Vatican every night.   what an icon!!,

Americans pay their taxes and much of the money goes directly to the Vatican.  priests have bank accounts in Vatican city and are considered to be employed by the Vatican while working abroad. VC is a tax haven.  mugs hand priests cash to pray for them, hold masses for them etc. and it all goes off shore.

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(1) Walmart Employees EXPOSED For Falsely Accusing Shoppers Of Theft - YouTube