Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Colorado Legalizes Recreational Marijuana and Industrial Hemp

Activist Post: Colorado Legalizes Recreational Marijuana and Industrial Hemp

The Marijuana Act of 1926 banned hemp growing and use in America. It had been called the Hemp Act which would never have been passed. However someone used the Mexican name, Marijuana,which was well known as being a drug. Therefore the Act was passed.
Hemp has been used to write on prior to paper. It has been used as rope. It can produce fuel for internal combustion and that was the reason to ban it Oil had been found in the deserts of Saudi Arabia and a huge amount had been put into Aramco and the way ahead was to be oil and not hemp.

Hemp is a robust crop which will grow just about anywhere and needs little attention. So, as Colorado has seen sense, I predict that, initially, adjacent States will join them and the dominoes will fall. taxes can be raised and jails will not be overcrowded with people having small time offences of possession. Dealers will feel the losses and as they will no longer be selling it they cannot persuade peeps to go on to harder drugs which produce more profit. In health terms it should also be better as bars of Marijuana are often filled with candle wax, camel shit and even brick dust!!  All to make the weight and increase profits.

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