Trayvon Martin. A Modern American Lynching
There are two sides to every story. The kid was being made out to be a saint and the guy a nutter with a gun. Then after a little digging it turns out that the kid did not actually live there, all the time. He had been suspended from school. A smart lawyer got his school records closed before anyone could find out why he was suspended.
The first photo of the little angel didn't show the gold teeth, the gangbanger look and oh was that a water pistol lying on the counter in one photo???
So finally the guy comes out to say that the kid banged his head off the pavement and attacked him, first and therefore it was self defence. The kid and the guy will be a new TV News series fr the rest of the Summer. Forget wars,riots and banksters stealing gazzilions, this is the Summer blockbuster.
Bob Dylan will play the guy and Willow Smith the kid.
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