Friday, February 25, 2011

Hosni Mubarak's cronies face corruption charges in Cairo court

Hosni Mubarak's cronies face corruption charges in Cairo court | World news | The Guardian

After every revolution there have to be lambs going to be slaughtered. Now Egyptian Courts are going to be full of people who did very well out of the previous regime and did not get out in time. What of this wonderful revolution? Mubarak has gone and the leader of his Army and pal for over 25 years is in charge. He promises elections in six months. Whether they happens or not is a matter of pure conjecture. He just may like the power of it all. The possible civilians standing for President include Sulieman who was mumbles chief torturer. He, it was, who allowed America to dump their kidnapped prisoners in Egypt for a bit of slap and tickle with cattle prods and other genital bell ringers and showed them how to do it. He is a CIA asset. The other jetsetter is El Barbie who is also a CIA asset and who was head of the useless inspecting committee which failed miserably to find anything, anywhere on his nuclear fishing trip!
There has been no revolution in Egypt, only a change of face, on the wall posters. Otherwise status quo..

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