Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Notre Dame cathedral in Paris on fire - YouTube

Notre Dame cathedral in Paris on fire - YouTube

Church burning, by opposing teams, has been going on for centuries. Muslims are burning and attacking Christian ones. During the Protestant Reformation, Catholic churches were burned, by law. Catholics were forced to worship in secret. Priests were hunted down and killed, following trial. of course. They lived and were hidden, in constructed priest holes, built within the walls of country houses. Much later, Protestants and Catholics burned each other's churches, all over Ireland. During the days of Pol Pot, in Cambodia, Ho Chi Minh in North Viet Nam and Chairman Mao, in China, everybody's churches were destroyed, by law.

Perhaps Notre Dame has spontaneously combusted, due to some holy trick. Somehow, in this day and age (to use a well-murdered phrase), I doubt it. However, we shall see.

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