Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Cop Issues $115 Ticket to Mom While Breastfeeding Her Baby in Her Parked Car – DC Clothesline

Cop Issues $115 Ticket to Mom While Breastfeeding Her Baby in Her Parked Car – DC Clothesline

She is lucky that she only got a parking ticket. Leud and lascivious behaviour, in a public place, springs to mind. Distributing food, without a street dealers license, distributing untested food, distributing food without a sell-by date, distributing unpackage food. Not wearing gloves or suitable biohazard protection. Not providing suitable screens to protect the public against splashes! Failure to erect warning signs and providing a surrounding demarkation zone, in order to keep the public safe. Failure to publish notification of when and where the activity is taking place, in order that the public and or sensitive flowers are able to avoid the area. Failure to publish, all notices in 300 hundred languages and/or dialects for the information of our foreign tourists and/or immigrants, be they legal or illegal. Failure to reroute buses away from the area. Failure to erect a 14 block radius and deploy police and snipers. Did anyone call out the National Guard? Did anyone call the mayor sod it, call the President!!! Why did the FBI and CIA not know that this event was gonna happen?? Oh we must have a UN inquiry. Oh they breastfeed in there too?

A Titter ran around the room!!

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