Friday, September 20, 2019

my chances of surviving ww3...nil

Should the megalomaniacal psychopaths, who pout, pose and swan about, on the world political stage , decide to start off ww3 I wondered, 'what would be my chances of survival,' living in central Scotland.  none!
I live about six miles from Glasgow airport and 35 miles from Prestwick airport, which is the radar base for oceanic air corridors. Both of which would be obvious targets but secondary to the UK submarine base at Faslane in Argyllshire, where the nuclear subs operate. It is 30 km from me. Much nearer, unfortunately, is a royal navy armaments depot in which they store and fix nuclear missiles for use in our submarines. It is about 7 miles from me. So I got two mushroom clouds, very near to me.
Nevermind Hunterston A and B nuclear power stations about 26 miles away which if hit would pollute the land, sea, and air with broken fuel rods and whatever crap is stored nearby.
During the debacle in Iraq I was glued to CNN and amazed to watch precision bombing on the other side of the river from the hotel in which the worlds press corp., lived. Not one stray bomb crossed that river! Despite the later reported facts that about a third of American missiles were crap I howled with laughter at the now-infamous green screen gas attack alarm supposedly taking place on the rooftop of the hotel but actually taking place in a studio in USA. The SMART bomb footage f ne oing down a chimney was good but et again, in actuality most of them were either off-target or dud..
My only chance of survival looks like the hope that both Russia and China have built up their arsenals based on the stolen diagrams and specifications of American armaments. Any aimed at Scotland should land in England as it is considered by many to be the UK or they will be just be duds!

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