Thursday, July 18, 2019

I’M NOT SURE HOW MUCH TIME WE HAVE!! PREPARED NOW..Economic Collapse Of China! $26 Trillion Dollar Darkness Of Corporate Debt 2019 Chinese Bank CRASH! | Alternative

I’M NOT SURE HOW MUCH TIME WE HAVE!! PREPARED NOW..Economic Collapse Of China! $26 Trillion Dollar Darkness Of Corporate Debt 2019 Chinese Bank CRASH! | Alternative

The plot of the film 'the Wolf of Wall Street' revolved about buying penny stocks, in enough quantity, to come to the attention of bigger computer-driven buyers. As they picked it up and bought in, these stocks rose. The pumpers then sold short and as expected, when human analysists looked at the numbers of these companies, they sold quickly, for a nice in and out profit. This is textbook pump and dump! It is now illegal as Wolfie found ut in the film.

Fast forward. At least,two companies have burst out in a blaze of publicity, blettering about computer algorithms and scientific analysis, read pin into stock pages!! They get sheeple to give them money, for them to play their game with, acting as agent to keep ii legal and return pennies, in comparison to their income.They pick a few shares and go in heavy, driving them up and at a slight drop, they sell short and come out, All by using your money  What a risk?????

The big joke is that every buy or sell order, via a broker, receives a CASH commission during the 11 day stock market account, to be settled for day 15. If they can prove that they have the money, they are allowed to buy/sell on credit, within these 11 days. tThey get their 'winnings' or pay their losses, if any, between day 12 and 15, with your money !!! Who was that guy Ponsi? The more orders that they issue ,the more money they make. This is the rule which brought in computer trading. They have taken it further by buying processing time on supercomputers, hidden in caves, cooled by freon or liquid nitrogen or whatever They do quadrillion computations or more every second or quicker!  Buy and sell orders don't stretch them, in any way, leaving them free time to do Bitcoin blockchain calculations, which is the next big buy/sell game that, in my view, has much more risk than the share dealing.

When you buy Bitcoin you put them in your wallet. If you use the computer, holding your wallet data it can be robbed!!! Special wallets, like banks, will take your Bitcoin deposits and allegedly keep them safe, on their computer, not on yours.Oh joy!! With a lot of work, for big money, hackers have managed to empty some of these super wallets and transferred Bitcoins to numbered accounts in jurisdictions which have no extradition treaties.Yes the movements can be traced, as all movement is logged in the blockchain book but it takes lawyers to get to that data and time.

 I sent an E mail enquiry request to two of these companies. Within 20 minutes I was phoned by peeps, from call centres,obviously on commission, by the speed that they talked..One wanted to Skype me to show me how to transfer money and trade. They would take me through it by Skype text. I replied, 'whats Skype?' Knowing she was onto a winner, she terminated the call.! The second one called me and I said I was interested. Hook in! This was the day after the big UK TV splash live trial and they did not have enough bandwidth for the myriad of calls. So he yammers on at 100mph and I hear, how much? I reply £1,000, Oh nice, instantly wondering where he could borrow more money to increase his account, in advance of payment. I swear I could hear whirr whirring. Right, enter this into your computer. I reply, oh I was enquiring and don't have it switched on'  LOL He says that he will wait. The site doesn't come up quickly, due to huge traffic. Okay, is it bank or credit card?  Credit card, I say.  Okay, go to this section and enter your card number. But it ain't there!!! You must be very busy, throwing him a bone, which went over his head, of course. He blames me and asks if I typed correctly?  Good sales tech.!! As he yammers on, are you there yet, repeating the url?? I lose it!! and say, look you ain't got the bandwidth to take extra traffic. He says, it worked fine last week. I said yes before your TV commercial. Anyway, I got a mobile at my ear, am typing on a laptop, needing two hands and trying to get my card out of my wallet, do you think I am prehensile?  Eh dah eh!!  ROLF, my lip is sore.  Goodbye and I hung up!! I would have gone in using card account time to put in, wait and withdraw, near payment day. Sounds filthy that bit!!! Any wins and I would be playing with their money. Nice reversal that one!!!

They constantly phone sheeple to get them to put more money in. They phone and text me many times a day. I alotted a separate ring tone for their plethora of numbers to ignore them. Using computer dial up it rings 4 times and cuts to avoid answer machines and a call cost. I sometimes click on and play music or answer Joe Blow's double glazing, how may I help you? while listening to them shouting is that Paddy??? They don't know if I'm on a work phone and must try to reach me, following the Pavlovian training. I have told them that  I'm in a hospital and their calls are disrupting the ward. I have told them, twice, that I'm dead!!! The calls keep coming/ Must be more inventive if being dead don't work!!  How about I am being cryogenically stored and a bit cold right now!  Must remember this one!! I got an E mail address and explained that I had nearly 3 million views and I would expose the game, which I did do. I told them I would call City of London police alleging harassment via phone, causing me, fear and alarm, making threatening calls and stalking. I am counting daily calls to do this. I can imagine peeps too frightened to answer their phones to these badgers and they got to be told that 'no' does not mean 'call me later.'

Please copy this piece and send everywhere, please.

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