Thursday, July 18, 2019

(1) Congress Orders Pentagon to Admit the Weaponization of Ticks - YouTube

(1) Congress Orders Pentagon to Admit the Weaponization of Ticks - YouTube

The whole deal began on Plum Island o Manhattan in New York. Cows were taken over, on boats, to investigate how they could be used as carriers of diseases. Of course, they all had ticks, which will readily transfer to other animals and humans, jumping, causing Lymes Disease.

Inevitably small infected animals such as rats, either gnawed the cages or bit handlers and escaped. Cows were kept in pens, outside and after a little time, infected ticks jumped everywhere. Former NAZI Scientists, brought in via Paperclip, wore hazmat suits and couldn't care less. They were locked, in hiding, on an island. However, rats, with infected ticks, jumped aboard supply boats and made it to the mainland, to continue to breed and spread, by thumbing a lift on animals or humans passing by, leading to an increase in Lymes Disease.

With more ships to jump aboard, the ticks have moved all around the World courtesy of Joe Mengele and Co. on Plum island. It was announced that the lab was to shut down but supply boats still ferry back and forth and there are staff members rotating/living there. The big joke is that it is now a bird sanctuary and special passes are needed to go there as if any sensible person would do so. Birds like rats leave sinking ships!! Nuke the place, is my suggestion

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(1) Walmart Employees EXPOSED For Falsely Accusing Shoppers Of Theft - YouTube

(1) Walmart Employees EXPOSED For Falsely Accusing Shoppers Of Theft - YouTube